My Story

Robins Dorvil

Hmmm, where do I start? I’m Robins Dorvil born in Florida and raised in a little town called Belle Glade. This is where I had my humble beginnings. At the age of 10, I knew I wanted to be some sort of business owner. When people asked me what business I wanted to start, I told them “Whatever business that would buy me a white classic limousine” 🙂 Funny thing, I don’t think you would catch me dead in those things today but, it’s still on my vision board. So, I may get it as a classic car in my garage someday.

Fast forward to college, I went to business school in Orlando at Valencia and the University of Central Florida. Within the first year of school, I had the blessing that changed it all for me, my son. Yes, I was only 19 years old but the discipline and drive I picked up from that moment were incredible. I was living for him from that day forward. While going to college and working full time, I always had some sort of side hustle to earn extra income. They didn’t all pan out, but I had a few successful ones that got me closer to that limousine…lol, the best side hustle was in 2009 right after the 2008 great depression. I started Wholetaling Real Estate Properties. That’s right wholetailing, not wholesaling. I would purchase REO (Real Estate Owned) properties at a deep discount and turn around and put them back on the MLS for a quick profit. I did this dozens of times and I had my first multiple 6-figure year. Unfortunately, that didn’t last long. I got greedy and basically got scammed into an opportunity that didn’t pan out.

Losing the money was one thing but what hurt the most was all the wasted active time I had to put in to make the money. All those hours, sweat, and tears went down the drain and I had nothing to show for it. The income stopped and I was starting all over from scratch again. At this point, I went into a deep depression and even contemplated suicide at one point. But the thought of leaving my son behind was non-negotiable. I got some good advice from a friend. While crying on the phone with her telling her that I feel old, and I don’t know where to start from here. I was 31 at the time. She said you’re not 31 years old. You’re an 80-year-old man that passed away and when you got to the gates of heaven, God asked, “what would you do differently if you had the chance to be 31 again? You told him everything and he granted you your wish.” That really hit home.  I realize that any day you have the chance to fog a mirror it’s never too late.  Now when someone asks me how I’m doing, I simply reply “Any day above ground is a blessed day”

Right after that, I decided to transform my body and got into the best shape of my life. I was featured on website for best male transformation and I accidentally became an influencer by the name of Dmotiv8or on Instagram. During that time, I met my wife, who was also in the fitness industry. 

A few months later, my online personal training business took off and I made 5 figures a month doing one on one coaching plans. It was a very fulfilling business because I got more back than just money, the emotional currency of changing people’s lives with motivation and solutions to be a better version of themselves was priceless. However, I got burned out because once again it was Active Income. The day I stopped posting on social media or took on new clients the business would stop. It was not passive income at all. I needed to make a change. I couldn’t keep up with the demand, so I backed off coaching and went quiet from social media for a while. I went back to my foundation and decided to slowly get back into Real Estate Investing where I could build passive income with a portfolio of rental income.

A few years later my wife and I built a decent portfolio of Real Estate, and the residual income is finally here. But I was missing something, and I couldn’t figure out what it was until I came across a blogging course that not only would give me the opportunity to create content, but I can provide education on how to build side hustles that produce passive income that eventually become residual income. Knowing that my content could change lives gives me the emotional currency I’ve been missing all this time.

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